Monday, April 27, 2015

Companionship 1

I have seen some great quotes about companionship and company…here are a few of them
No road is long with good company” – Turkish Proverb
Life's most deep feelings are often expressed in silence and the one who can read volumes from your silence is your true companion” - Ritu Ghatourey
A pleasure companion on a journey is as good as a carriage” -Syrus
By ourselves we can enjoy life, but to really appreciate life we must find companionship” - Unknown
Above all, the Bible says in Genesis 2:18 “The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him who is suitable for him."
The word Companionship, as a noun, means the good feeling that comes from being with someone else. It is a feeling of fellowship or friendship.
Dr. Leo Buscaglia defined companionship as “that state of being friends, but it goes a deeper than even a friendship. It is a closeness or familiarity, a true fellowship among two people who for whatever reasons have truly connected
One main element that is hard to come by in marriages, in our time, is COMPANIONSHIP.
That person that stays with you through thick and thin…
That person that says something to you and you feel like the weight of the world just got lifted off your shoulder.
That person you can’t wait to share ‘how it all went down’ with.
That person that makes you feel like indeed it’s worth everything you are giving. That person that connects with you on deeper, non-sexual levels.
That person you can spend the whole day with and not get bored.
That person that seems to get you when nobody else knows what you are talking about.
That person you can truly call your friend.
That person that can kind of read your mind because he/she knows you that well.
As humans, we’ve been made to crave companionship…this deep connection. God saw this need and made provision for it. However, there are times we try to fill it with other ‘quick fix’ alternatives but when the chips are down, our hearts still long for that connection. When we’ve had our fill of the alternatives, the craving returns. Adam was lucky because he did not have to do a lot of searching to find his companion. In our time, we need to search till we find this person...and it can be dangerous if we settle for something else.
It is so easy to find someone to sleep with
It is so easy to find someone to hang out with
It is so easy to find someone to use and abuse
But it is a daunting task to find a companion; some people go through 3 marriages before finding that suitable companion.
Companionship is far more intimate than even romance…it usually is the basis for two people wanting to remain together. The day you no longer see a companion in your spouse, that’s the day you want out. Have you heard people say something like “We drifted apart”…it’s just another way of saying there is no companionship anymore.
To Be Continued...

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