Friday, March 16, 2018

Build Sweet Memories...Lessons From Mum's Death

On my dad’s 60th birthday, there was a little misunderstanding between him and my mum.

Momma wanted to shift the celebration by a couple of days so she could help cook at the Convention of the church they were attending then.

My dad refused to do this because he didn’t feel he should move his birthday and also because friends and family, that knew the date, would come home to celebrate with him.

They couldn’t reach an agreement, so my mum went to church and was cooking while my dad was at home with my siblings, that were around, and some friends that had shown up.

When I heard about this, I called my mum and was on the phone with her for over an hour. She later realized she had goofed and went home to join the celebration…I was told that when she got home, she went straight to her husband, apologized then gave him a warm hug and that settled it.

Fast forward >>>my mum’s death and burial coincided with another Convention of their church…but this time, her obituary could not even find a place on the wall of the church. We pasted some but they were quickly removed and replaced with posters of the Convention. When her corpse was brought home for lying in state, there was nobody, from church, to receive her…my dad had to do it.  He was holding back tears while thanking God. Need I say that the Convention went on as scheduled?

It took a lot to allow her coffin outside the church, under a canopy, because of some doctrine that did not permit dead bodies inside the church. The same church she spent every Wednesday night at, with dry fasting, to pray all-night, in preparation for the Thursday deliverance service…where she also served as a counselor and would stay till Thursday evening.

Let me state categorically, that this is not a rant against the church, because they did what they could as well…it is just to show us that even when we are serving God, we need to hold our family in high esteem and not allow anything rob us of the sweet memories and quality time we are supposed to build with them. Those memories are what we will leave with them and we don’t want to taint them.

We choose our friends and affiliations but God determines our family…

As a minister in God’s vineyard, your family is your first ministry…you will also account for it.

Olufunmilayo, continue to rest in the bossom of your Lord and Savior that you served wholeheartedly

Eight years just like yesterday…time didn’t heal this, God did

#SleepOnBeloved #LessonsFromMommasDeath
© 2018 Lanre Olagbaju All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Olu said...

Mama Olufunmilayo, my name sake rest on in bossom of Jesus Amen.
May her sweet memories remain blessed. I am not speaking in defence of the church neither am I seeking to invalidate your feelings.
i would be terribly upset if any of the above happened to me while grieving a loved one. From my understanding (i might be wrong and i apologise in advance)the arrangement of dates is usually agreed upon by both the families and the church so no issues should have cropped up.Really the pasting of obituary ,order of programme or funeral rites ,in my opinion should not be left for the grieving family but by the church clerk or delegated to someone in her team or group who will take on this role as a mark of honour....last respect.

I daresay it shouldn't be an impossible task to fit in the celebration of the exit of a labourer in God's vineyard with other activities. As a matter of fact what better timing to have this reminder of death to all Ecclessiastes 7:2 . What better timing to show the bowels of mercy and compassion and comfort to you and your family than a time like this .
Hhhmmm I reflect on your words your family is your first ministry will account for it.
