Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Congruence XXVIII

I was a little confused…

Then he explained that a lady, by that name, came for mid-week service at the church. She was a first timer and had come over to say hello to him after the service. She introduced herself as my friend and roommate back in the University and that we even flew to Lagos together.

I had never mentioned anything about Deola before…I didn’t see a reason to. She was from a part of my life that I wasn’t very proud of and I wanted it to stay where it belonged, the past.

So I explained how we had lost contact when she graduated but met in the plane and all that…I added that I invited her to church but didn’t know she would visit that fast.

I then asked if there was anything else

No…not at all. She’s just a little too friendly but I guess she’s one of those people that are extroverted to a fault

I quickly added that she was renting out a room in a flat at one of the areas Folahan liked and had given me a deal but I wanted to inform him before taking the offer.

Folahan said we would talk about it when I returned and after checking it out.
 The Training School is usually rounded up with an all-night party…it was to officially welcome the new employees to the Bank. For my team, it was held at one of the Executive Directors’ house in Victoria Island. My plan was to leave first thing Saturday morning to see my folks and return to Lagos so I could catch my flight to Abuja on Sunday evening.
 Folahan surprised me by showing up at the party…I couldn’t help but jump at him…I had missed him so much. He did a good job at keeping a surprise because I still spoke with him earlier that day. I should have suspected though, going by the different questions he was asking earlier. He wanted to know the location and duration of the party. He wanted to know how long I was planning to stay there for…I just thought he was being caring.
 My folks live very close but I don’t like bothering them so I checked into a hotel.

 They don’t even know I’m around.

I just feel it makes sense that I be the one to meet your people first then I can arrange for us to meet my parents” he said as we left the venue of the party
 We got my bag from the Guest House and went to the hotel…
 We had another heart to heart discussion that night…this time it was deeper than the first one.

We talked for a long time…he said our relationship was on the verge of metamorphosizing into something big and we needed to be open with each other so we don’t carry unresolved issues and baggage into the next phase.

He asked a lot of questions and answered mine as well.

He started by saying he wasn’t expecting me to be a virgin but he knew I was virtuous and considered me a secondary virgin because I was able to remain chaste after I became a Christian.

He wanted to know how many relationships I had been in.

He wanted to know if I was abused as a child

He wanted to know what I would consider unforgiveable in marriage

He wasn’t interrogating me…I could tell. He was asking like he wanted us to discuss and resolve the issues, if they existed.

That was the day I told Folahan more about my past relationship, how I got pregnant and lost the pregnancy because of a sudden change to underlying factors of the relationship.

I didn’t abort it…I lost the pregnancy. My body could not handle the turn of events
 Folahan was quiet for a long time…a very long time, it was really awkward and I didn’t know what to make of it.
 Then he held my hands and started to sing…my favorite song

I won’t go back, can’t go back to the way it used to be before Your presence came and changed me
It was a deep spiritual experience soaked in emotions, we prayed together after the discussion…we held hands on our knees and prayed for almost an hour. We bury the past tonight
We break up our fallow ground and dump the past and its effect thereinWe fill it up with Your grace O God
We use the blood of Jesus as atonement for the land
As we plant enduring seeds of Your will for our lives and our future
Let Your mercy rain upon this land O lord
Let these seeds germinate and bring forth Your plan, purpose and will for our lives
Those were the parts of the prayer that I understood as he kept praying in tongues with tears in his eyes. He held my hands firmly and I prayed along with raw intensity. The following day, Folahan went with me to see my folks…it was his first time on a commercial bus (Danfo). We wanted to take a cab but there was none so we took the bus. I was amazed at how down to heart he was, he prostrated himself on the floor to greet my mum. He ate what was offered with relish and had fun discussing with my brothers. Sister Grace also came over to see us…she was really heavy
 My mum kept looking at Folahan anytime he talked; she said his accent fascinated her…I could tell she liked him. I had some time to discuss with my mum and sister when Folahan went with my brothers to get a hair cut at their barbing salon. My sister wanted the full gist she wanted to know how our paths crossed

 I told them everything including the sacrifice Folahan made for me to get my job.
He looks like he’s from a rich family…if that is true, he is such a humble person” my mum can give her kidneys to any humble person

Sister Grace wanted to know what we were planning and how soon...she said we had to consider her ‘condition’ because she could not afford to miss out on any of it. I told them he had talked about marriage a couple of times and was planning to take me home to meet his parents after meeting mine. My folks were very happy and my sister thanked me for being good and waiting for God’s time
God has rewarded you

Even if he wasn’t from a rich family, you both have good jobs and the future is very bright

I am happy for you, I am happy that you fulfilled my desire for you

Education is good…if you didn’t go to school, would you have met this kind of man?
Folahan returned with my brothers, they did a good job with his hair. He confessed that only his barber in the United States knew how to cut his hair that good and it usually took over an hour but my brother did it in 15 minutes You would make a fortune at that speed in the U.S.” We stayed for about another hour and when we were leaving, Folahan gave my mum and my sister some money. He said my brothers didn’t let him pay for the haircut and he was going to get them for that.

My sister dropped us at the Motor Park and Folahan promised her we would come over when she delivered her baby.
 I thanked Folahan for being so nice to my family
They’ll be my family too…

I really love the way you guys relate with one another
You may have had it rough financially growing up but you guy had something we didn’t…love
We got back to Abuja and resumed work…I stayed at Folahan’s place for about a week. I wanted to stay longer but Folahan begged me not to. He said he was trying really hard to keep off and staying together was not helping at all. Have you seen yourself?
 I can’t wait to get clearance so I can have a taste of this yummy delicacy that’s driving me crazy 
Ah! Bro Folahan…if your Pastor hears you” I replied jokingly
What? He will know that I am human and it’s totally natural to find my girl sexually attractive
Because of that we decided to take Deola’s offer and I moved in with her.

PART 27                                                                                          PART 29
Picture Credit (c) pinterest
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental   
© 2018 Lanre Olagbaju All Rights Reserved

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