Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Congruence XXV

Everyone was quiet…
Our manager looked at Folahan like he was crazy.
Folahan moved closer to him, beckoned me over and said

Sir, I don’t have any problem giving up the offer. She deserves it more than I do…she worked hard for it.

As Teller Captain, she balances every teller, every single day since I’ve been here. The vault has never had a shortage or an overage since she started handling it.

She even found the GL difference this branch was carrying for over a year before we got here.

She was instrumental to the success of the last audit…even you said that sir.

Maybe she did not bring in a 700 million Naira check, but I wasn’t planning to either, I was just lucky to be at the right place at the right time.

She may not be able to smooth talk customers like I do, but we’ve heard customers commend her many times. Some even bring her gifts

I’m not going to let her lose this chance…trust me, even if I wasn’t dating her, I would do exactly what I’m doing now for her.

This Branch needs her; you need her more than you need me sir…you will see that in the long run
I understand your sentiments Folahan, but I am not Human Resources. I don’t make such calls.

Will they consider her if you decline? I don’t know…I have never had anyone decline a job offer at this bank before. But if you are sure that’s what you want to do, I can send an e-mail to HR and see what can be done” Our manager responded
Folahan thanked him and asked if we could leave for the day to which our manager agreed.
I also wanted to say something but Folahan held my right hand and squeezed it gently…somehow, I understood that he didn’t want me to comment on what was happening.
In the car, he told me that he meant everything he said and wasn’t just doing it for me as a girlfriend. He gave me a long lecture on equity and how as Christians we should speak up when we see injustice.
Mr. Americana, this is Nigeria o” I joked

I know, but Christianity has no nationality.
We may not be able to fix everything but we should do the little we can whenever we can.

How could they base such a decision on a last minute fluke from me, discounting everything you did?

But what about you?

Will you be going back to Schlumberger then?” I asked
I’ll be fine…

I still want to stay in the Banking industry.

I called another uncle of mine when I stepped out and explained what happened.

Fine...he laughed at me and called me a fool for planning to give up the job offer

But he’ll call me back later tonight or tomorrow.

He promised to arrange an interview for me at another bank, that has opening in an Abuja Branch, within a week and we’ll go from there.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about…they would make you lose an opportunity of a lifetime…a chance at financial breakthrough and a chance to help your family to a boy that has loads of other options. How is that fair?
Besides, if they had retained both of us, I would have had to leave anyways…I was told that the Bank does not encourage marriage within the organization. One person would have to leave. That’s another form of discrimination but it is what it is
You see now that I’m not crazy?

That was the first time Folahan hinted at marriage.
Such selflessness, such integrity…

That was the day I actually fell in love with Folahan. I liked him all along but what he did and how he reasoned left an indelible impression on my heart. As I was about to alight from the car, I gave him a full body hug and said
You are too good…I don’t deserve you
To my surprise, he warned me never to say that about myself again.

If you are worth Jesus’ blood…that should give you an idea of how valuable you are.

Never cut yourself down.

Never see yourself as unworthy of anyone or anything

The value you place on yourself is the value the world places on you

Could you rephrase that statement please?
So I said “You are such a kind person…I’m happy God brought you to me
That’s more like it” he said as he made a move to kiss me on the forehead but somehow we ended up locking lips (my fault, I thought he was going for the lips). It was like 5 to 10 seconds of heaven until Folahan pulled back.

Wow! That was good…
I don’t wanna get used to that yet

PART 24                                                                                          PART 26

Picture Credit (c) Shutterstock
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental   

© 2017 Lanre Olagbaju All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet.
I just pray Folahan is not captain's son.#fingerscrossed
Well done ma. I totally enjoy reading your stories.