Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The law of Love and Submission...

Dear Husbands, 
submission is NEVER demanded, IT IS EARNED. When you earn your salary at the end of a pay period, it means you already put in some work.
Submission is the natural response to LOVE. In Ephesians 5:22-25, we see the model. As men, we are quick to quote verses 22-24 “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything”...forgetting that before Jesus became lord and the head, He loved and gave himself for the Church. He didn't have to FORCE or DEMAND the submission of the Church. Anytime a man says “Don’t you know I’m the head?” or “Don’t you know I’m your husband?”, something is definitely wrong.
LOVE doesn’t end on your matrimonial bed (there are guys that only show love when it’s time for intimacy)
When was the last time you said “I LOVE YOU” to your wife? (She loves to hear reassures her)
Saying it is one thing...making her believe it is another.
You can’t say you love your wife when her opinion doesn’t count when making decisions (whatever decisions you make in life, she is the one that’ll be affected the most...and you think she doesn’t have a say?)
When was the last time you bought her a gift? (It’s not about how expensive it is...just the fact that you remembered her)
When was the last time you held hands with your wife in public? Or touched her in public? (Some couples act like complete strangers in public. Some men act like they don’t want to be associated with their wives in public...imagine this, you ignored her all through the party and when you got home, you wanted to reach out, ARE YOU A LEARNER?)
What are your wife’s dreams, goals and aspirations? How have you helped her to achieve them? How supportive are you? (Some men act like it’s a competition...I don’t want her to be more successful than me. Haba!)
When was the last time you helped around the house? She made dinner, bathed the kids, put them to bed, did the dishes, cleaned the living room while you sat their watching CNN. And you still want to “rush” her the moment she gets on the bed (She’s a helpmeet not the maid. Acts of service mean a lot to women)
I know there are extremes as well...guys that have sown so much love without commensurate submission (An important attribute of LOVE is PATIENCE...keep doing what you are doing, keep praying. All will be well)
You are a beast at home but she keeps submitting. You keep treating her like rag but she treats you like a careful before you overdraw your emotional account. 
I pray healing for every ailing marriage in Jesus’ name

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