Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Who Woos Whom

Wooing means to seek the affection of (someone, especially a woman) with the intent to marry or begin a romantic relationship. Times have changed and taboos are now norms but I still believe that a man should be the one to ask a woman out. I believe that a man should be the one to propose as well. The Bible says “Let all things be done decently and in order” 1 Corinthians 14: 40.
Proverbs 18:22 also says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord”…which tells us the person that is supposed to do the ‘finding’.
Although it is not a sin for a lady to step up and woo the man but I just believe that men should lead (it takes a man who leads in courtship to lead in marriage) do not want a man taking you for granted simply because you did the asking. Men should seek, find and woo their would-be wife. However as a woman, it is TOTALLY okay to express interest in a man...but try not to do it vocally. Some men are shy and they need to be nudged before they make their intentions known. No matter how attracted you are to a man; let him be the one to ask.  A woman needs to feel pursued, valued and wanted.
There is nothing wrong in showing your ‘Boaz’ that you are available and interested. There are ways to attract that single brother in your department or that young man that looks at you and you know he is just shy to say what’s on his mind; you like him anyways...why not send the nudge
Confidence – Every man likes a woman that is sure of herself. Know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and don’t let anything (not even some extra pounds) make you think less of yourself.
Thoughtfulness and Politeness – only an insane guy would not notice or like a girl that is polite and respectful. Don’t be a busybody that is always talking about others and complaining about everything. It’s a huge turn-off
 Kindness – Be kind, people notice…men look for this in women. Don’t be that person that yells at everyone…don’t be that person that everyone avoids because of the way they talk or because of their attitude. It makes good men avoid you as well.
Suspense – Don’t be that girl that everyone already knows everything about. Men like to hunt, even if it’s just for clues. Leave room for someone to want to know more about you. Be interesting; don’t come off as a boring person…let him want to talk to you more, let him want to know more about you
 Independence – Don’t come off as someone that does not have a life of her own. Let the man see that you live a full, fun, well-rounded life. Let the man see that you have your life in order to an extent. Men want women they can grow with not one they will babysit.
Smile - As simple as it sounds, this is a powerful tool. Let your eyes light up with a sparkling display of joy…don’t be one of those ladies that make smiling look like a herculean task. It makes you attractive, it makes you look younger and helps you stay positive. So the next time you see that dude you have a crush on, smile.
Dear single lady, do not have to use your mouth; but you can still send the message home, LOUD and CLEAR

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