Saturday, July 16, 2016

Marital Nuggets 1

Dear Married,
Never get “comfortable” with your spouse to the point where there’s no appreciation or gratitude for good gestures. Thanking your spouse for doing something as simple as cleaning up the
house before guests arrive helps solidify the bond you have for each other.

Try to make appreciation

1 Timely: show gratitude immediately or soon after (that’s when it makes sense) don’t wait

2 Personal: know what kind of gratitude your spouse will appreciate (a hug, a kiss, a pa
t on the back, just a gentle squeeze of his/her hand) it makes it memorable and more impactful

3 Specific: Let your spouse know what you are thanking him/her for…Share how their efforts helped you

4 Meaningful: Don’t just do it for the sake of doing it, people are able to read if it’s sincere or just convention

5 Frequent: Say it as many times as necessary. You want to continually encourage good deeds and gestures.

“Thank you” is not just courtesy…you’ll be shocked at how powerful verbalizing a "thank you" is.

© 2016 Lanre Olagbaju All Rights Reserved

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