Saturday, April 14, 2018

We ALL know in part

In my little walk with God, I have realized that everyone has at least one "supposed scriptural truth" they believe so much in, teach, preach and are holding on to that is not totally of God. Some are even full-blown heresies.

Most are based on personal experiences, logic, doctrines, handed-down "revelations", past revelations, poor/weak scriptural exegesis

If that's what qualifies a person as a false teacher then most, if not all, of us would fall under that category.

The word of God is settled forever...but revelations are not necessarily absolute. There are things we will ONLY confirm when we get to heaven.

We are in an age where Pastors are coming out to apologize for and reverse some of the things they have taught over the years...the intention was never to deceive but they taught based on the limit of their revelation at that time.

So were they false prophets when they preached and taught those things?

I understand we are a "woke" generation but God sees every heart. He is the ultimate judge of everything.

When we "catch" a revelation that seems to be in conflict with the "norm", that does not confer a status of infallibility on us.

Correction is to be done in a spirit of gentleness...because we also have our own areas where the things we hold as truths will one day crumble before another person's revelational knowledge.

Enough of all these "Gotcha" and "God don catch am" reactions.
Correct where you see errors and so in the humblest way possible, don't rub it in.

 For everything we think we know, we should always remember..."For we know in part"
"For now we see through a glass, darkly..." always remember, YOU DON'T HAVE THE FULL PICTURE (YET)

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